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Planetes Torrent Download [Password]


About This Game In Planetes your aim is to survive, create and explore.You will need to harvest resources, in order to construct bases, spacecraft, and items. Protect yourself from other players by creating better spacecraft or a stronger base. Explore space, finding asteroids and planets to land on.If you travel through space you can find planets with simulated gravity and atmosphere. You can land on these planets, or crash land if your ship is not powerful enough. When you arrive you can find resources to harvest and area to build bases. Before you can travel through space you will need to build a ship. If you don't like building in games, you won't have to do much to have a functional spacecraft. If you do like building, you will find a building system with 6 categories of spaceship components each with many different and unique parts offering many options for you to build your ship with.Other players are dangerous, but you can also create alliances with them.Follow Planetes development on the development discord. a09c17d780 Title: PlanetesGenre: Action, Casual, Indie, RPG, Strategy, Early AccessDeveloper:New Orbit GamesPublisher:New Orbit GamesRelease Date: 28 Aug, 2018 Planetes Torrent Download [Password] the game appears to be buggy, when i launched it in offline play, the option to spawn was unavailable, and couldnt use any of the controls either. I only played online ......if i could connect....and only the EU server was up, Im in the southern hemisphere so my ping was very highVery buggy, no ones playing,there are people logged in but they're not moving or talkingNot worth the price this early Needs alot of work before its worth playing again. a absolute waste of money, the updates are very slow to come out and this cash grab will probably stay in early access forever.. a absolute waste of money, the updates are very slow to come out and this cash grab will probably stay in early access forever.. game wont go into offline or online servers, and no one plays the game. absolute waste of money. Update Alpha 0.017 Quality of Life Improvements and New Planet.: Join the community on our Discord[]!This Update wipes the servers!Spooky Halloween event cosmetics removed.Additions: Added derelict ships that will randomly spawn and move in towards the star system. Added thruster burn area indicators visible when building. Added missing thrusters (both the physics and the visuals) on Large 6X6 Chemical Thruster, they can be used as turning thrusters. Added console command for admins to allow clients to spawn in whole ships. Added console command to enable server wide infinite building resources. Added console command to edit derelict spawn interval. Added trajectory prediction indicator to map view. Added gravity well and atmosphere limit visual indicators to map view. Added a new planet which uses new tech that will eventually be used for all the planets.Changes: Adjusted map zoom limits. Refactored planetary gravity code to be more stable, accurate and performance happy. Map will automatically close if open while leaving a seat. Improved resolution of orbit rings.Fixes: Fix for discord connection errors on headless server. Fix for map opening when leaving a seat.Help find bugs! Please click the report bug button in the top left of the screen if you encounter any issues or bugs. You can also use this feature to request new additions to the game, or if you just want to send a friendly note to the devs!. Build Version 0.00112: Additions System Map, open using "M" With map open, click and drag to move the map, "C" to center back on your character's position. Scroll wheel to zoom. New art for Light metal, carbon, fiber, fissile material and ice resource nodes. Ship part limit. Indicator for new chat messages. Chat auto complete. Chat player joins/disconnects. Server bans. Battery 3X3.Changes: Major world building. Collider and Render layer pass. Chat opens when you press Enter.Fixes: Fixed backwards build nodes. Fixes for server chat.. Update Alpha 0.012: Additions: Resources are now items, can be dropped/picked up just like weapons. Added 1X5 Solar Panel. Added art for resource items. Added ability to refuel fuel tanks using the PolyTool (will only fuel a tank if tank is at full HP). Added more tutorial stages covering primary features currently in game.Changes: Chat window location and state is now saved. Modified sounds on ship weapons. Performance improvements for dedicated servers. (Removed status bars from headless, removed nodes from headless) Changed how items are held by character. Increased Torpedo life duration. Polytool will now only "shoot" objects it will have an effect against. Lowered fuel cost of all chemical engines. Removed passive resource gain from all fuel tank parts.Fixes: Issue where servers would delist from master server. Issue with doors not opening on default F press. Bug fix for incorrectly checking integrity of a construct with 1 or fewer parts. Null ref issue when dying related to tooltips.Help find bugs! Please click the report bug button in the top left of the screen if you encounter any issues or bugs. You can also use this feature to request new additions to the game, or if you just want to send a friendly note to the devs!. Holiday Sale! And Upcoming patch.: Hello Everyone!We hope everyone is having an enjoyable holiday season, and with that we would like to offer Planetes at 20% off during this year's Steam winter sale!There will be an overall price increase shortly after the new year, so get the game now while it's at it's cheapest!Additionally we will be patching shortly (hopefully tomorrow the 21st).Some things you can expect to see in this patch:- Holiday cheer! Various items have been added or re-skinned to make Planetes more festive during the holidays.- New Armor panels. The old one block panel was not sufficient and had issues. We have now added six new armor panel parts. Three sizes of each armor level with both light armor and medium armor. Also the armor parts have been improved so they can now fit closely together. Previously it was not possible to place two armor panels on an inside corner.- Redone starting star system. All the old planets have been replaced with new ones using our updated mesh for planets. This allows us to build much more dynamic and interesting planets, also much larger!- Loot box spawning. We now have a system in-place that will spawn loot crates semi randomly in preset areas on asteroids and planets. These crates can contain anything from resources to weapons and items.- These are just a few things you can expect in the upcoming patch, which will also include plenty of smaller additions and many fixes and changes.Thanks for reading, and Happy Holidays!. Update Alpha 0.0175 Bug Fixes and other small additions.: Join the community on our Discord[]!Small patch fixing major issue with ship spawning.Additions: New Utility suit art added (being used temporarily as the default suit).Changes: Modified Planet3 (newest planet) by adding cliff structure prototypes. Slightly improved cloud rendering.performance happy. Increased overall star brightness.Fixes: Fix for junk collector removing constructs before they had properly spawned in. Fix trajectories not being displayed when playing online. Fix for thrusters pushing too strongly against projectiles, items and players. Fix for null ref occurring when a construct was removed from game while player is in adminmode.Help find bugs! Please click the report bug button in the top left of the screen if you encounter any issues or bugs. You can also use this feature to request new additions to the game, or if you just want to send a friendly note to the devs!. Update Alpha 0.014: This Update wipes the servers!Additions: Added ability to set your own controls. Added parts: Girder Angle 2X2, Part Panel Angle 2X2. Added UI for saving/loading ships and offline games.Changes: Overhauled movement update syncing, (player and ship movement should now be much smoother). Lowered both ship and player update rates, (high rate is no longer needed with better position syncing). General UI improvements. Improved game copy authentication. Ships are now saved to disk. Improved loading code. Many small fixes and improvements.Hotfix 0.0141Changes: Fix for not being able to do anything on a multiplayer game. Lowered sound levels on thrusters and Polytool. Fix for character being seated in a lagged position when enter a moving cockpit seat. Fix for not being able to fire projectiles.Help find bugs! Please click the report bug button in the top left of the screen if you encounter any issues or bugs. You can also use this feature to request new additions to the game, or if you just want to send a friendly note to the devs!. Build Version 0.0012: Fixes: Various fixes for server-side errors from previous patch.This version marks the completion of a stage of development, hence the version number bump!. Update Alpha 0.015: This Update wipes the servers!Additions: Added notifications for when trying to fuel a tank without the correct resources and for when it is full. Discord Rich presence! Planetes Development Discord Console command to set velocity soft cap. Added notifications for picking up items.Changes: Lowered fuel and energy cost for Ion thrusters. World building changes, added additional asteroids in the inner belt. Visuals changes to Blue planet. Added more Fissile material nodes.Fixes: Fix for feet being weird when exiting a seat while moving fast. Fix for save/load menu scrolling. Fix for zooming while trying to scroll save/load menu. Fix for mouse cursor being lagged while moving. (Additional improvements planned)Help find bugs! Please click the report bug button in the top left of the screen if you encounter any issues or bugs. You can also use this feature to request new additions to the game, or if you just want to send a friendly note to the devs!. Update Alpha 0.021 New parts and Fixes!: Join the community on our Discord[]!This patch adds new parts to diversify building options, and brings a full batch of new fixes and improvements.


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